Brown Bear Hunts

Our Brown Bear hunts are conducted in prime habitat out of our exclusive Cinder River Lodge concession.  Cinder River Lodge is located about midway down the Alaska Peninsula within the Aniakchak National Park & Preserve.   There have been many record book bears harvested out of the Cinder River area, including the current #4 & #5 SCI record book brown bears. Our exclusive guide concession is the largest on the Alaska Peninsula, and encompasses both the Pacific and Bristol Bay sides of the Peninsula.

We conduct one-on-one hunts out of our many spike camp locations.  The lodge is our base of operation where each hunt begins and ends.  It is staffed with a full time cook and two full time pilots and their Supercub aircrafts.  Each of our spike camps consist of a large tent, gas stove, cots, lanterns, and other portable equipment to give each hunter the best chance at success and to make their hunt as enjoyable as possible.

We conduct 10-day fall hunts on odd numbered years. These hunts consist of a guide and hunter being transported from our lodge to one of our many spike camp locations along the salmon streams.  The day after flying each hunter and guide hike to a desired glassing location where they will spend most of their time glassing the river bottoms where the bear travel feeding on salmon.

On even numbered years, we conduct 11-day spring brown bear hunts.  These hunts consist of a guide and hunter being transported from our lodge to one of our many spike camp locations. Then, the next day after flying, each hunter and guide hike to a desired glassing location where they will spend most of their time glassing from the beach to the mountaintops.  During the spring season the bears have vacated their dens and are looking for new sprouts of vegetation, and the boars are looking for sows, as springtime is their mating season.

Every guide is equipped with top of the line optics and once a bear is located the spotting scope comes out and each guide will go through a progression to determine sex and size before launching on a stalk.  Along with top of the line optics each guide is also equipped with the tools necessary to skin, pack, and make your experience safe and enjoyable.

Once a bear is harvested the lodge is contacted via satellite phone, and a plan is derived to get the hunter, cape & skull back to the lodge.  At our lodge we have a skinning shed where each bear is fleshed and prepared for transport to an expeditor in Anchorage.  Once the bear is sealed and prepared for transport the expeditor will contact the hunter and make arrangements as to where they would like their trophies transported.

At the lodge the hunter is pampered with a meal from our lodge cook and the shower house is fired up.  Our lodge is equipped with Satellite Internet and we assist hunters with their travel arrangements back home.

Our crew of guides & pilots are very experienced and focused on the hunter’s success.  So, hunters need to show up with the best equipment and in the best physical shape possible.  Hunting Brown Bear can be very physically and mentally demanding, but harvesting one of these massive creatures can also be very rewarding!